It is surprising, but it is the fact that the repair of cracks and repair of damaged components manufactured out of cast iron, aluminium and cast steel are successfully repaired by metal lock and metal surgery process.

This process of crack repair has replaced the old and conventional method of repair of cracks by welding. All over the world, crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking is getting popular.

The main advantages are as follows:-

  • In this time of recession, get your equipment repaired successfully on site and avoid replacement.
  • In 99% of cases of accidents, crack repair by metal stitching has proved to be successful.
  • Can you afford a long breakdown in your plant? No, get your equipment back in service in a few hours.
  • A fantastic solution and technological innovation of crack repair without disassembly of the equipment. Repair is possible on site metal surgery, even on ships and on the high seas or at remote heavy engineering plants.
  • In most of the cases, no machining is required, as no heat is generated.
  • A pressure-tight seal can be achieved.
  • The metal lock and metal stitching process is recognised by the classification societies.

Expertise available with RA Power Solutions of forty-four years

You cannot trust the repair of your expensive equipment to a company which is not experienced. RA Power Solutions with experience of 44 years has technicians who have spent their lifetime successfully repairing the engine and heavy machinery components which got seriously damaged. The successful repair of cracks and damaged components needs proper planning and execution.

We have been regularly repairing the cracked components of the most popular engine makes like Wartsila, Daihatsu, Mirrless Blackstone, Yanmar, Allen, MAK, MAN, B&W, Sulzer, Caterpillar, etc.

The consumables used by us to undertake the repair by metal stitching process are of high quality and proven for their satisfactory performance. The effective and proven alloy of MN211 AND MN 555 are used for undertaking the repair by metal stitching.

RA Power Solutions has successfully executed thousands of crack repair jobs all over the world. The cost of repair offered by us is lowest in the market.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions). He has forty-four years of experience in the field of engine repair and is a technical adviser to various shipping and heavy industries based all over the world.

For more information on onsite metal surgery, engine block metal locking, and turbine casing crack repair onsite contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.